Enterprise 100 Ltd. Registered office London Business School, Regents Park, London NW1 4SA. Registered in England and Wales: Number 5013818, VAT number 832 6397 1.
Investment in new business carries high risks as well as the possibility of high rewards. It is highly speculative and potential investors should be aware that no established market exists for the trading of share in private companies. Before investing in a project about which information is given, potential investors are strongly advised to take advice from a person authorised by the financial service and markets Act 2000 (FSMA) who specialises in advising on investments of this kind. Enterprise 100 Ltd cannot advise on the merits or risks of investments and is not authorised to arrange transaction or circulate offer documents under the FSMA. Enterprise 100 Ltd is an exempt body for the purpose of arranging deals in investments under the statutory instrument 1201 of 2000 as a non-profit making organisation.